When should I contact an international moving company to organize my move?

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Start Your International Moving Journey
If you’ve already secured a job in your new homeland, you’re probably well on your way. But be sure to take care of the essentials well ahead of time, as they can sometimes get bogged down in red tape: is your passport up to date? Do you need a special visa for your family members? Many countries require that official documents be certified in order to be accepted, so do your research on your new country’s requirements. Also, be sure to register with the U.S. government telling them that you will be moving abroad and for how long. This will prevent the U.S. from asking for your taxes down the road. Your accountant should be able to help you arrange this.
One of the most frequently asked questions when getting ready for a move is how long before the moving company be hired? The short response is, it’s best to start calling movers as soon as possible, especially if you’re planning a move during the summer months, the busiest time of the year. . Give yourself at least 8 weeks before you move to book a mover. However, if you’re moving to another country or across the country, you should always give yourself and the mover more time. So for international or national or across state moves, start calling eight weeks before and no later than four weeks before you move. If possible, book 12 weeks in advance, especially if you’re planning a move during the peak season such as summer.
Hire an experienced international moving company
The logistics of international moving can get complex, so be sure your moving service provider knows how to navigate it all smoothly and professionally. They will also be able to instruct you how to ship household goods or belongings in the most affordable way – though combining shipments may mean things take longer to arrive, so take that all into consideration when planning your moving timeline and arrival to your destination country.
Evaluate your moving quote. Once you have obtained a company to conduct your move, you will need to evaluate the quote that they offered you. Since you will be moving internationally, your expenses will likely be much higher. You will need to look over your quote to see how accurate it is and if there are additional charges that might occur. Talk to your movers about the quote and see how concrete it is. This will help you get a better idea of how much you will be spending on your move.
All Risk Marine Insurance
Peace of mind is so important when you move your belongings – your whole life – to another country. Protecting your goods is imperative! Ask your mover about All-Risk door to door Marine Insurance coverage for your belongings, so they will be protected from the moment they leave your home until they arrive at your new one. You have already made the life-altering decision to relocate across the world to another country, and that decision probably didn’t come easy, taking insurance should be the easiest one on your list.
8 Weeks Prior to Moving
Attain all your personal documents. Since you are moving internationally, you will need to take every necessary document you have with you. These documents will likely include your passport, ID, and driver’s license. So, before you get caught up in your move, make sure all these items are in order. Understand your new home. When you move internationally, you are entering uncharted territory. This will be a new area for you. Because of this, you will need to become familiar with the local customs and language. This will help you become better adjusted to the country. Create a moving plan of action.
Organization is key when handling an international move. Therefore, you will need to coordinate a plan of action with your mover to make sure that your relocation is a success. Figure out what time they will arrive at your home, how long it will take your belongings to arrive in your new area, and what the delivery procedures are. Find a new school for your children. If you have children, you will need to locate a school for them. Teaching methods in other countries can vary drastically. Because of this, you will need to find a program that works best for your child. Thoroughly researching schooling options will help you make the right decision for your child. Determine what will stay and what will go. When you move internationally, you only need to take the essentials. In order to do this, you will need to eliminate any unnecessary items. You will need to sell or donate items that will not be tagging along for the ride.
All electronics are not compatible in every country. Some countries have certain voltage maximums that may be lower than that of other countries. So, you will need to check your larger appliances such as your stove, fridge, and freezer to see if they will stay or go. Research your bank locations. The bank you currently use may or may not be available to you in your new country. You will need to decide what bank you will use once you moving overseas. You do not want to be in a new country with no access to your physical bank.
4 Weeks Prior to Moving
Get a layout of your new home. Planning a International move thousands of miles away is a difficult task. Because of this, it will be beneficial to have a layout of your new home in order to help you determine what items will fit in the new space. Schedule a time to have all of your services shut off. Contact your cable, utility, and phone providers and arrange a time for them to come to your home and disconnect your services. Ask the post office about redirecting your mail. You may need to talk to the post office about procedures for forwarding mail internationally. Mail forwarding typically only lasts for 12 months. Therefore, you will need to contact banks, credit card companies, and other companies to have your address changed with them directly. Get refills for all of your prescriptions. It may take some time to set up doctors’ appointments in your new country. Thus, you will need to get all required medications before you move. By doing this, you will have an adequate supply of your medications until you have visited your new doctor.
1 Week Prior to Moving
Pack travel materials. Moving internationally will likely mean that you will need to travel by air. So, at this time, begin packing all travel materials. Check the airline you will travel with and know what requirements they have concerning luggage. Contact your mover. Give your mover a call and verify all of your arrangements. Ask them to provide you with information such as the name of the movers, what time they will arrive, and how long it will be before your items arrive at your new home. Make sure you are present. Ensure that you will be home while the movers are there. They may have questions that you will need to answer. Being present will make the move run much smoother. Conduct a final walk through.
Moving day will be filled with several tasks. After everything has been packed, walk through your home. Make sure that you have not left anything behind. See the movers off and prepare to head to your new home. Yes, moving internationally is a major life changing event. You will need to prepare properly and remain organized throughout this process. This international moving timeline will help you conduct a successful move to your new home.