Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle Abroad

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You have enough to worry about after moving overseas, and keeping your healthy lifestyle in another country may not necessarily be at the top of your list. Unfortunately, if you want to keep your health conscious attitude in check, you have to work at it just as you do at everything else in your life. Trying to stay healthy overseas giving you ajada? Follow these simple tips to keep you on track.
Keep eating out to a minimum
It can be tempting to eat out morning, noon and night while you are living abroad in order to take in the delicacies your new home has to offer, but it’s also extremely unhealthy.
While you should take the time to enjoy the new overseas cuisine, you need to also be cooking for yourself the majority of the time.
On the one hand, it’s healthier, and on the other it’s cheaper. Plus, it will allow you to save up money and splurge on meals out when you do reward yourself with them.
- Maintain a healthy and well balanced diet as much as you’re able
- Save money and calories during the work week by bringing your own lunch from home
- Hold a dinner party and show off your cooking skills to your new friends and co-workers
- Purchase a regional cookbook to make and enjoy the food in your area without having to order out
- Visit nearby grocery stores or farmers markets for fresh and local ingredients
Work daily exercise into your routine
Moving internationally is a stressful experience, and one way to maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress levels (among other benefits) is to exercise on a daily basis. Or at least Monday through Friday. Even going on a walk during your lunch break counts!
Not only will it help build a routine to assist in settling into your new life, but it will also help to keep you healthy and fit while abroad.
Find a gym and/or take part in classes
One way to ensure that you keep on the aforementioned exercise regimen is by signing up for a membership at your local gym or by taking classes at a community center. You’re less likely to stop exercising if you lose money by doing so.
Signing up is also a great way to stay on track, keep motivated and make some new international friends or fellow expats such as yourself while keeping healthy.
Is dancing a big thing in the new culture you are assimilating yourself into? Take a dance class to burn calories and have fun while further getting to know the culture.
Take your healthy lifestyle on the road
Another way staying healthy can assist in your overseas transition is by using it to introduce yourself to the surrounding area, whether you’re jogging or merely taking a stroll through it.
- Use your lunch break to eat a healthy snack in the fresh air and then take a leisurely walk through the area
- Go for a walk around your neighborhood in your down time to get a feel for the area
- Take a jog or run in new and scenic areas (don’t forget to take everything in while you’re running)
Stay hydrated
One of the easiest ways to maintain good health abroad is to keep your body nourished (see the aforementioned tip above) and hydrated with plenty of water. Especially if you’re working out on a regular basis to stay healthy and minimize stress.
Don’t avoid sleep
Yes, you want to do anything and everything while you’re overseas, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your body’s important necessities such as a sleep.
Make sure that in addition to enjoying as much of your new country as possible that you also take the time to rest and relax every once in a while.
If you don’t neglect your body after moving internationally, you will be helping to create a happier and healthier you. One who can more fully enjoy the perks of living in another country.